When you are suggested to be induced medically by your doctor, you may want to look at any other ways to induce labor naturally. For many centuries, midwives have been recommended rubbing castor oil to induce labor.
Castor oil is a vegetable oil obtained from the castor bean. Nowadays, the oil is found in the soaps , the inks and the plastic goods you use everyday.
Castor oil has been used for centuries. In Ancient Egypt and In Europe, it has been used for medical purposed. For pregnant woman who is overdue, they are recommended to use castor oil to induce labor. Taken from castor bean, the oil stimulates cramping in the small intestine when ingested. The intestinal cramping can lead to uterine contractions. The assumption is the castor oil stimulates the bowel, then irritate the uterus and make the pregnant mother feels contractions. It is one of the natural ways to induce labor on your own.
It has been put into question for years using castor oil to induce labor. Few studies to show the information of using castor oil to induce labor. But some says that castor oil’s main component, ricinoleic acid, is responsible for irritating the intestines and stimulating the uterine smooth muscle and is “used with some success to induce labor.” Whether some women claim that using castor oil to induce labor is a quite effective method.
They claim that taking castor oil to induce labor effects within an hour or two. They feel stirring inside their intestines, started having contractions and delivered the baby within a few hours of using castor oil to induce labor. There are also reports that the oil’s effect is only felt in a period of two to six hours.
Other women, meanwhile, say that they did not feel the same immediate effect. A single dose of castor oil was not enough for them to start labor right away. Sometimes, labor induction may take days before labor kicks in.
Anyway, before you decide to use castor oil to induce labor you should t consult with your health provider. It because some of them warn of the potential side effects of castor oil, such as diarrhea, vomiting, dehydration, nausea or fetal distress. The side effects may be not good for you and your baby later.
To learn other of many ways to induce labor on your own, just click here.
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